5 Netflix Shows To Binge

Good Morning lovelies! With everything going on in the world right now, staying at home is our best bet; not just for our own health, but for our loved ones as well. It is our job and responsibility to help keep our families safe by staying away from large crowds and activities. I’ll be honest, it sucks. We want to go out and see our friends and significant others, get our nails and hair done for the weekend and have a good time, but those good times are going to return. Take this as a time for self care! Lay in bed with your favorite snacks and check out my top 5 picks for the perfect Netflix binge sesh!
The Office
If you haven’t seen this show, you MUST. It is one of my all time favorites, always gets me laughing even on the worst days and it is sure to put you in a great mood!
Person Of Interest
If you like mysteries, this is your show. There are sadly only 5 seasons, but each episode keeps you on your toes; it’s full for action!
This is another one of my favorite shows! Religious background, great music, funny and romantic. Fall in love with the Devil!
Love Is Blind
This show is insane. You meet potential love interests and get to chat with them for hours upon hours, but the twist is; you don’t get to see them until you pick who you enjoyed the most!
Stranger Things
If you haven’t seen this show yet, it brings Sci-Fi to a whole new level.
If you ladies have any other suggestions I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment below or message me on Instagram @thewithlovefromalex