The Green Eyed Monster
Everyone meets the green-eyed monster in their lifetime. Some more than others, and when he takes over you can find yourself loosing friends, family members and significant others. Unfortunately, nowadays people hate seeing you thriving at work, happily in a relationship, buying a house, and making your dreams come true. It’s quite sad and I myself constantly find myself on the other end of that envy. I never allow it to get me down. I work harder. If I allowed every comment I hear to bring me down, I wouldn’t be doing what I love. I spoke a bit about this in my blog post ‘Authentic YOU’ (read more here). What you must remember, is that jealously comes from insecurity; if people bring you down it’s because they are unhappy with themselves and are projecting those emotions onto you. If you find yourself often feeling emotions of jealousy, keep reading.
- Accept your emotions. The first step is becoming self aware.
- What are you gaining from these emotions. Did you suddenly gain everything you are wishing you had? No.
- Is it worth it? By you being jealous, and possibly acting out on it, is it worth loosing friends over?
- Why can’t you have what they have? You can. You can do anything you set your mind to. You are taking time out of your day by being jealous when instead you can use that time to work on your own goals and dreams.
- Action plan. Make a list of what you want! Think of ways you can achieve them and set your goals!
I hope this post helps you out and gives you peace.