The Best Moisturizer for Spring/Summer

Wearing makeup in the warmer months can sometimes be a lot for your skin. You tend to sweat a bit which causes the opening of your pores and heavy makeup can clog those pores causing breakouts and no one wants that! Neutrogena is one of my favorite drugstore brands and I’ve been using them for a long time. Wearing an SPF oil-free moisturizer benefits your skin in many ways. The SPF help prevent sunburn, closes your pores under your makeup so they makeup won’t clog them, and being oil-free, you won’t get shiny during the day. I like this one because unlike most moisturizers, it’s fragrance free. If you have sensitive skin like me, fragrances sometimes cause rashes or breakouts. I personally use SPF 35 but they have a large range of moisturizers to choose from, depending on your skin type and what kind of results you’re looking for! Your skill will thank me!