Slugging: Does It Work?

Hello my beauties! I'm sure you've all heard about the new fad called 'slugging'! If you haven't, this latest viral skincare craze calls for you coating your entire face in petrolatum jelly (Vaseline), to moisturize your skin overnight. Sounds crazy right?
'Slugging' isn't a new thing - loads of people around the world have been doing this for years, my family included! Vaseline is a staple in my Italian house-hold; chapped lips? Burns? Dry skin? Dying your hair? Makeup removal? Cuts and scrapes? Vaseline's got your back!
How To Properly Slug:
Proceed with your normal skincare routine; exfoliate, cleanse, tone, moisturize. Slugging should be the VERY LAST STEP in your nighttime routine. The point of it is to help lock in that moisture. Make sure you apply a thin layer - don't pull a 'peanut butter baby'!
How I Slug:
I do this every other day; especially when I need that extra boost of moisture. I typically do this right after I apply retinol. I skin has a bad reaction to retinol - I get very dry, itchy and red skin - but it's so important in a skincare routine that I can't stop. I use CeraVe Healing Ointment instead of Vaseline too. It's pretty much the same except it has extra ceramides and hyaluronic acid. I love it!